Effects of Sun Damage To Your Skin
When it comes to caring for skin, sun damage is one of the most prominent culprits in the aging appearance of the skin. The UV rays present outdoors, even when the weather is cool or cloudy, have a powerful detrimental effect on the condition and appearance of the skin. UV rays are extremely harmful to skin. When most people think of the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays, the first and sometimes only thing they consider is the possibility of skin cancer. While skin cancer is a very real threat, it is not the only negative effect that the sun can have on the appearance, texture and aging of the skin. Protection from cancer is far from the only reason that exposure to the damaging effects of the sun should be minimized.
Sun has been and will likely always been the single most damaging factor to the appearance of skin, especially when it comes to the visible signs of aging. Though the process of aging cannot be stopped, the effects can be minimized and treated for a more youthful appearance to the skin, keeping you looking younger than your age for many years.
Sun spots, freckles, and mottled pigmentation
When the skin is damaged by the sun, it produces a substance called melanin, which darkens the skin in an effort to protect itself from further damage by the sun. While many people feel that a tan makes them look healthier and younger, what they do not realize is that the darkening of the skin is an indication of damage to the skin, not of health. Often, continued and prolonged exposure to the skin does not just result in an overall tan, but also permanent marks on the skin that do not go away as the summer fades. Sun spots and freckles are the most common of these markings. When the tan fades, these marks are often left behind and are an indication of damage to the skin. Often sprinkled across the nose, face and shoulders, these marks need to be watched closely to ensure they do not develop into a more dangerous problem.
A more unsightly problem that can occur with sun exposure is mottled pigmentation to the skin. What once was a healthy tan, sometimes for years and years of a person's life, are now permanent unevenness in skin tone and texture. Once the skin is damaged enough to present these pigmentation issues, it is often too late to repair the damage.
Protecting your skin from sun damage
While sun damage is hard to reverse once it occurs, protecting your skin from the damaging effects of the sun can be started at any point. It is never too late to begin caring for your skin. There are two main tools in fighting the harmful effects of sun damage to the skin. The first, of course, is sun screen. Sun screen must be worn every single day. If it is not night time, there are UV rays present. If you are outside, they are touching your skin. It does not need to be sunny or hot for your skin to suffer the damaging effects of the sun.
The second tool in fighting the aging effects of sun damage is a quality anti-aging cream. The damage from the sun dramatics speeds up the aging process of the skin, and starting early with an anti-aging cream is one of the best tools for keeping the sun from contributing to the visible signs of aging. To help choose an anti-aging cream that will aid in keeping the youthful appearance of the skin for as long as possible, read our reviews.